Citation - Providence Gazette: 1763.10.22

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Index Entry Bagpipes, in Armagh, accompany rioters protesting taxes 
Location Armagh 
22 Oct 1763:21, 22 (53)
Ireland.  Dublin, July 10.  Extract of a letter from Armagh,
dated July 6.  I suppose you have several accounts in Dublin
concerning the disturbances we have in the north, on account
of the heavy assesses laid on last [   ]  There are great
numbers risen on this occasion, in different parts of the
country . . . they filled at least two [   ] of the road,
and were formed into companies with each a standard, or
colours, displayed; on which, he says, he counted thirty,
with drums, horns, fiddles and bagpipes.  They have erected
several gallows . . . call themselves Hearts of Oak.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1763.10.22 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0041640
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