Citation - Providence Gazette: 1764.01.07

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Index Entry E'en times are in perpetual flux, and run [fl] 
Location Providence 
7 Jan 1764:41 (64)
Just published, and to be sold at the printing-office, and
book shop, near the Great Bridge . . . the New-England
Almanack . . .
  E'en time are in perpetual flux, and run,
  Like rivers from their fountains rolling on.
  For time, no more than streams, is at a stay;
  The flying hour is ever on her way:
  . . . [8 lines follow, signed] Ovid. Met.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1764.01.07 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0041651
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