Citation |
10 Nov 1764:31, 32 (108)
Extracts from the London papers, heretofore omitted for want
of room. London, July 25. . . Some gentlemen, who it seems
are great admirers of the highland musical compositions,
have lately introduced in the music of the guards, a great
many Scotch tunes; so that on an exercising day, it is now
no uncommon thing to see a file of English red-coats beating
time to the loyal tune of Over the Water to Charley.---This,
together with the statue of his M----, ornamented with a
plaid, broad sword, and philibegs, and the intended
decoration of James the second, plainly shews out taste for
every thing on the other side of Tweed:---We hope they will
introduce bagpipes next.