Citation - Providence Gazette: 1766.09.06

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Index Entry Drummer, in New York, man in dress of, fight between soldiers and townsmen 
Location New York 
6 Sep 1766:31 (139)
America.  New York, August 21.  A number of the inhabitants
of New-York, who were present at the fray between a party of
soldier and some of the people of the town, on the 11th
inst. have given their depositions;  the following is the
most circumstantial, viz. . . some person appeared in the
crows in the dress of a drummer; that upon his coming up to
them, several words passed:   that the first expression he
understood from the said drummer was, do you resent it or
words to that effect; that one Berrien, replied, I do resent
it; that thereupon the said drummer drew his weapon . . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1766.09.06 
Publisher Goddard, Sarah, and Company 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0041730
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