Citation - Providence Gazette: 1767.09.05

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Index Entry Actor, Sheridan, Mr, Irish act of Parliament protects from arrest over debts 
Location Dublin 
5 Sep 1767:41 (191)
An Anecdote. (From the London Chronicle.]
Last year Mr. Sheridan, the actor, obtained an Irish act of
parliament protecting him from arrests on account of his
debts in Dublin, amounting to fifteen hundred pounds; and
having this season saved 900 pounds, he gave notice he was
ready to pay his creditors ten shillings in the pound . . . 
Whether is the conduct of the actor or printer the more
generous and laudable?

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1767.09.05 
Publisher Goddard, Sarah, and Company 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0041782
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