Citation - Providence Gazette: 1768.06.25

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Index Entry Drum, in London, beat by horseman performer named Wolton 
Location London 
25 Jun 1768:41 (233)
Advertisement from the London Gazetteer, of March 31. 
Horsemanship, performed on one, two, and three horses, by
Mr. Wolton, at St. George's Spaw, at the Dog and Duck, in
St. George's Fields, on Easter Monday, and every evening
during the summer season, excepting Sunday. . .
  9. He rides two horses, beating a drum, on full speed. . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1768.06.25 
Publisher Goddard, Sarah, and Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0041824
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