Citation - Providence Gazette: 1769.02.11

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Index Entry Music, in New York, celebration of successful candidates 
Location New York 
11 Feb 1769:32 (266)
New-York, January 30.   Monday last the election for the
city and county of New-York came on at the City-Hall, in
this city, and on closing the poll the Friday following . .
. [listing of winners].  
  The above gentlemen . . . [description of their politics]
were attended from the City-Hall by a vast concourse of
people, with music playing, and colours displayed; in this
manner they proceeded down the Broad Way, and through the
main street, the coffee-house, being repeatedly saluted with
loud huzzas, and with every other demonstration of joy that
could be shewn upon this happy and interesting occasion. . .
[description of those in attendance.]

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1769.02.11 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0041857
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