Citation - Providence Gazette: 1771.04.06

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Index Entry If thou that are rich despisest the poor [fl] 
Location Providence 
6 Apr 1771:41 (378)
[signed] A Reader.
Copy of an ancient manuscript, found among the papers of the
venerable Mr. Joshua Winsor, of pious memory, one of the
first settlers of this colony, and an original proprietor of
Providence purchase, being an acrostic, wherein his name is
point out by the initial letters of each verse.
If thou that are rich despisest the poor,
Because thou art wealthy, and he has no more,
When pride and vain glory come on thee by stealth,
I pray thee remember who gave thee thy wealth,
. . . [11 more verses]

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1771.04.06 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0041969
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