Citation - Providence Gazette: 1771.07.20

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Index Entry Anthem, sung in Philadelphia, composed by students for commencement 
Location Philadelphia 
20 Jul 1771:31, 32 (393)
Philadelphia, July 8.
College of Philadelphia, June 28, 1771.  
This being the day appointed for holding the anniversary
commencement, in the college of this city . . . After
prayers, by the provost, and an anthem by some young
gentlemen, the rest of the business was as follows, viz. . . 

4.  A piece of music, by the band. . .
1.  An anthem, accompanied by the organ. . . 
Bachelors of Physic. . . 
8.  A piece of instrumental music.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1771.07.20 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0041984
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