Citation - Providence Gazette: 1772.04.04

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Index Entry Musicians, in Rome, Convent of St Ursula, best hands not present for service 
Location Rome 
4 Apr 1772:22 (430)
The ceremony of taking the veil at Rome.
This morning I went to the Convent of St. Ursula, to see a
nun take the veil. The company was very numerous, and
composed chiefly of the first people of Rome, who were all
in full dress. . . The service was begun by saying mass;
then Cardinal de Rossi entered in great state, while the
organ was playing, and the mass was singing; the music, both
vocal and instrumental, was performed by the nuns and ladies
of the convent, who were placed in the organ-gallery.  The
composition was pretty, but ill executed; the organ was a
bad one, and too powerful for the band; most of the best
hands, as I was informed, were occupied in the convent with
the internal ceremony, the external was all performed in the

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1772.04.04 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0042021
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