Citation - Providence Gazette: 1772.07.25

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Index Entry Theatre, in Amsterdam, destroyed by fire 
Location Amsterdam 
25 Jul 1772:21 (446)
May 15.  On Monday evening, the 11th of May, a sorrowful
affair happened in the theatre in Amsterdam, in Holland; by
some accident a small rope took fire by a candle, which
communicated to the boxes, and in a few minutes the whole
house was in flames.  The smoke and confusion was so great,
that though many escaped out of the house, near three
hundred persons perished in the flames.--Among them are some
of the first families in Holland. . . 

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1772.07.25 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0042037
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