Citation - Providence Gazette: 1773.05.15

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Index Entry Oratorios, at Drury Lane, same ticket price to be used for duels at theatres 
Location London 
15 May 1773:22 (488)
London, Feb. 13. . . A motion will be made, we hear, in a
certain assembly, at the instigation of a great personage,
for regulating duels, as follows; that every duel be fought
with swords only, on the stage of one of the theatres, and
that any one may be admitted to see them, paying the price
that is now paid at the oratorios at Drury Lane. . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1773.05.15 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0042079
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