Citation - Providence Gazette: 1773.10.02

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Index Entry Band of music, Cadets, in Boston, marched into town 
Location Boston 
2 Oct 1773:31, 32 (508)
Boston, September 27.  Wednesday last being the anniversary
of his majesty's coronation. . . The same day being designed
as the fourth and last training for the Boston militia for
this year, in the morning his excellency's company of
cadets, commanded by the Hon. Col. Hancock. . . marched into
King Street, with a band of music. . . 
  In the evening was a grand concert of music at Concert-
Hall. . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1773.10.02 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0042099
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