Citation - Providence Gazette: 1777.01.18

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Index Entry Clarionets, in Trenton, spoils of war taken from Hessians 
Location Trenton 
18 Jan 1777:22,23,31 (681)
Baltimore, Dec. 31, 1776.  This morning Congress received
the following letter from General Washington.  
Head-quarters, Newtown, 27th Dec. 1776.
Sir,  I have the pleasure of congratulating you upon the
success of an enterprize, which I had formed against a
detachment of the enemy lying in Trenton, and which was
executed yesterday morning. . .
  Return of prisoners taken at Trenton, the 26th December,
1776, by the army under the command of his excellency
General Washington. . .
Regiment of Landspatch . . . 6 drummers, 5 musicians . . . 
Regiment of Kniphausen . . . 6 drummers . . . 
Regiment of Rhol . . . 8 drummers, 4 musicians . . . 
Total . . . 20 drummers, 9 musicians . . . 12 drums, 4

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1777.01.18 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0042271
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