Citation - Providence Gazette: 1779.09.18

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Index Entry Band of music, in Wyoming, in procession for burial 
Location Wyoming 
18 Sep 1779:41 (820)
Philadelphia . . . Wyoming, July 31, 1779.  On Thursday
last, the 28th inst. agreeable to previous determination,
the bodies of our brethren Capt. Joseph David and Lieut.
William Jones, who were massacred by savages near this post
on the 23d of April last, were re-interred. . . The form of
procession being fixed upon at Lodge No. 19, was as follows
. . .
3.  a band of music. . . 
14.  two corps of drums muffled, and fifes playing a solemn

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1779.09.18 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042410
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