Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1745.11.07

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Index Entry Barkley, John, sells psalters, Scotch Psalms, Tate and Brady, Watts's Hymns 
Location Philadelphia 
7 Nov 1745:42 (154)
Just imported and to be sold by John Barkley at the bible on
Market-Street, Philadelphia. Folio and quarter bibles with
or without concordance and apocrapha, octavo, 12mo. 24mo.
ditto's 2 vol gilt, testaments with or without psalms,
common prayer books, Tate and Brady's psalms, Scotch ditto
plain or gilt . . . Watt's sermons, ditto's hymns . . .
psalters. . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1745.11.07 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1745 
Bibliography B0037721
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