Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1755.07.24

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Index Entry Indians, Five Nations, dance War Dance [t] to reaffirm British alliance 
Location Albany 
24 Jul 1755:21 (659)
New-Haven, July 12.  We have advice from Albany, that the
general and field officers of the Connecticut forces,
arrived safe there on Tuesday the first of this instant, and
the next day went to wait on Major General Johnson, at
Mount-Johnson; they found him surrounded with about 1100
Indians of the five nations, whom the General had engaged to
join with him:  Those Indians the evening before, had had a
war dance, when they took up the hatchet inform:  They
declared themselves glad to see their brethren of
Connecticut, and seem'd hearty in our cause . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1755.07.24 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0038224
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