Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1757.07.07

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Index Entry Devenport, J F, singing master, opens school in Philadelphia 
Location Philadelphia 
7 Jul 1757:33 (761)
This is to give notice that the subscriber has again open'd
his singing school, for the summer season evenings, at his
school in Third Street, next the Revd. Mr. Tennants meeting
house; where any person may be instructed in psalmody, that
is capable to learn that agreeable act.  Those who in cline
to enter, may see the condition at said school. [signed]
J.F. Devenport.
N.B. The person that borrow'd of him, Gays Fables with cuts
is desir'd to return it.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1757.07.07 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0038326
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