Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1759.08.23

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Index Entry Drums, in Guardaloup, beat in capitulation 
Location Guardaloup 
23 Aug 1759:12 (872)
Articles of Capitulation between their excellencies, the
honourable General Barrington and John Moore, Esqr;
commanders in chief of his Britannick majesty's land and sea
forces in these seas.  And the inhabitants of the Island of
Guardaloup . . . 
Article, I.
The inhabitants will march out of their posts with all the
honours of war, viz. with two field pieces, their arms,
colours flying, drums beating, and lighted match. . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1759.08.23 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0038437
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