Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1765.05.23

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Index Entry Godfrey, Thomas: Prince of Parthia [t], for sale by Taylor, Samuel 
Location Philadelphia 
23 May 1765:32 (1172)
Just published (in a neat quarter volume) and to be sold at
the different booksellers in town, and by Samuel Taylor,
bookbinder, at the corner of Market and Water-Streets, price
seven shillings and six pence. 
Juvenile poems on various subjects, with the Prince of
Parthia, a tragedy, by the late Mr. Thomas Godfrey, Junior,
of Philadelphia, to which is prefixed some account of the
author, and a critical postscript on his writings.
[quotation in Latin from Horace]
  As there are but a few copies left to be sold, those
gentlemen who are inclined to be possessed of this
collection (as a curious monument of fine natural genius in
one of the sons of Pennsylvania) are requested to be speedy
in their application, otherwise they may be disappointed in
their hopes of obtaining the book.
  Those subscribers who have not yet been served, are
desired to apply at the above-mentioned places.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1765.05.23 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0038737
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