Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1768.08.25

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Index Entry Books, psalms, plays, Shakespeare, for sale by Semple, William 
Location Philadelphia 
25 Aug 1768:52 (1342)
Imported in the last vessels from Britain, but now per the
Peggy, Capt. Speir, from Glasgow, and to be sold on very
reasonable terms, by William Semple, at his store in Front-
Street, near Walnut Street, a general assortment of
merchandize, suitable for the present and approaching
seasons: among which the following consists, viz. . . . 
psalmbooks sorted . . . play . . . testaments with and
without psalms . . . Shakespear illustrated . . . 
  N.B.  Great encouragement will be given to those that buy
to sell again.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1768.08.25 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0038910
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