Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1770.10.11

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Index Entry Music, in Princeton, sung by students for commencement 
Location Princeton 
11 Oct 1770:13, 21(1453)
Princetown, New-Jersey, Sept. 28.  On Wednesday the 26th
instant, was held in this place, the anniversary commence of
the college of New-Jersey
  After the usual procession from the college to the church,
the business of the day was introduced with prayer by the
president; and vocal musick by a select company of the
students. . . . 
  After prayer by the president, the whole concluded with
vocal music performed by the students. . . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1770.10.11 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0039022
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