Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1771.02.07

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Index Entry Trumpeters, in London, of household, ordered to stand by for war declaration 
Location London 
7 Feb 1771:13 (1470)
Extract of a letter from Dartmouth. . . Last Wednesday Lord
Weymouth declared in a great assembly, that at present there
would be no war with Spain, as every thing would be settled
in an amicable manner, and to the satisfaction of all
parties; on which Lord Chatham replied, that he could give
no credit to the assertion, for that he was well assured the
Spaniards had no intention at present of accommodating
matters with the British court, upon honourable terms.
  The heralds and trumpeters of the houshold, have received
orders to be in readiness at an hours notice; which makes it
reasonable to conclude, war is intended to be immediately

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1771.02.07 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0039039
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