Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1771.09.26

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Index Entry Go gently on, instruct the rising age [fl] 
Location Philadelphia 
26 Sep 1771:31 (1503)
On Monday last, the 23d September, at nine o'clock, a.m.,
the trustees, vestry and wardens of the United Evangelic
Lutheran Churches of St. Michael and Zion, assembled in
company with a large and respectable number of British and
German auditors in Zion's Church, to hear a testimony (for
the first time) of the proficiency of our German youth, who
are grammatically educated in both languages . . . The
different pieces of oratory were harmoniously concluded with
vocal and instrumental music; and the whole business ended
about twelve o'clock.-----
  Go gently on, instruct the rising age, 
  To treat with credit, life' precarious stage, 
  The paths of heav'n-born piety to run;
  But those of vice and sure destruction shun:
. . . [4 more lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1771.09.26 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0039072
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