Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1771.12.19

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Index Entry Bass viol, for sale by Foy, Martin 
Location Philadelphia 
19 Dec 1771:33 (1515)
Martin Foy has for sale, at his house in Pear-Street,
between Second and Third-Streets, near the union library, a
collection of musical instruments; German flutes, with two
additional middle pieces tipped with ivory; cremona violins;
cases and screw bows; French horns, with mouth pieces
adapted for concert; an elegant bass viol; several violins
fit for learners will be disposed of very reasonable; Roman
violin strings; silver basses; guittar and spinnet wires,
and soligni fencing foils; also, a complete assortment of
books in English, Latin and French, of physic and surgery.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1771.12.19 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0039085
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