Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1780.10.04

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Mulatto named Will 
Location Lancaster 
4 Oct 1780:42 (1360)
Ran away from the subscriber living in the Borough of
Lancaster, a mulatto slave, named Will, about 24 years old,
five feet eight inches high, round fact, pleasant look, a
good deal pock marked, fond of talking, plays the fiddle,
and is very fond of it. . . . Whoever takes up and secures
said mulatto, so that his master may have him again, shall
have eight silver dollars reward, and if brought home to the
owner, reasonable charges by [signed] Adam Reigart.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1780.10.04 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0039484
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