Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1782.09.28

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Index Entry Harpsichords, for sale by McPherson, John 
Location Philadelphia 
28 Sep 1782:11, 12 (1529)
John McPherson, broker, has at present for sale, two new
vessels on the sticks in this city . . . [long 2 1/2 columns
of items, including] two harpsicords, one very elegant and
sweet tuned . . . a very elegant and good tuned spinnet,
with white keys . . . His office is in Chesnut-Street, three
doors from Front-Street, where he has stores for the
reception of goods, and he may be seen every day in the
coffee-house from eleven to one. . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1782.09.28 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0039655
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