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9 Nov 1782:13 (1541)
Dancing and music. Mr. Shippen's, compliments to the
respectable inhabitants of Philadelphia;--informs them that
he has opened a dancing school, at the long room, at the
Bunch of Grapes; where young ladies and gentlemen may be
taught that genteel and polite art of moving, with grace and
elegance. Those who please to honour him with the
instruction of their children, may depend the greatest
attention and care will be paid to their improvement.
Should any prefer being taught at their own lodgings, will
be waited upon. A line addressed to him at his house, near
the draw-bridge, in Front-Street, or at the Bunch of Grapes
Tavern, in Third-Street, will meet his immediate attention.
An evening school for gentlemen.
N.B. He teaches the guitar, German flute, violin, hautboy
and clarinet.