Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1783.05.07

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Index Entry Address to the Freemen of the State... [t] [beg] Who with the gen'rous 
Location Philadelphia 
7 May 1783:33 (1589)
Just published, and now selling at Bell's book-store, in
Third-Street, for the investigation of all freemen.  Price
one third of a dollar.  An address to the freemen of the
state of South Carolina. . . . 
Who with the gen'rous rusties state, 
On Uri's rocks, in close divan, 
And wing'd that arrow sure as fate, 
Which ascertain'd the sacred rights of man. 
. . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1783.05.07 
Publisher Bradford, Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0039718
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