Citation - Portsmouth Mercury: 1765.05.13

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Index Entry Books, Immorality of the Stage [t], psalms, songs, for sale by Furber, T 
Location Portsmouth 
13 May 1765:21,22 (1/17) 
To be sold 
Sundry valuable books, neatly bound, viz. . . . [ list of
books including the following] Poems and songs &c. . .
Watt's Psalms and Hymns. . . Milton's works . . .
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse . . . Immorality of the
Stage . . . Pilgrims Progress, fine large print and good
paper . . . enquire of the printers

Generic Title Portsmouth Mercury 
Date 1765.05.13 
Publisher Furber & Russell 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0041530
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