Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1773.01.11

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Index Entry Actor, Byerley, Mr, to play Doctor in Devil to Pay [t] 
Location Philadelphia 
11 Jan 1773:32 (2/64)
By Authority.  By the American Company, at the Theatre in
Southwark, this present evening, An Historical Play, call'd
the First Part of 
King Henry IV. With the Humours of Sir John Falstaff, 
and the Death of Henry, sirnam'd Hotspur.
Hotspur by Mr. Hallam,  King Henry by Mr. Morris,  Prince of
Wales by Mr. Henry,  Sir Walter Blunt by Mr. Goodman, 
Worcester by Mr. Byerley,  Vernon by Mr. Parker, 
Westmoreland by Mr. Wall,  Northumberland by Mr. Woolls, 
Bardoplh by Mr. Johnson,  Francis by Mr. Roberts,  Sir John
Falstaff by  Mr. Douglass,  1st Carrier by Mr. Goodman, 
Poins by Mr. Byerley,  Douglass by Mr. Woolls,  Peto by Mr.
Wall,  2d Carrier by Mr. Parker,  Prince John by Mr.
Roberts,  Hostess Quickly by Mrs. Harman,  Lady Percy by
Mrs. Morris.
To which will be added, 
The Devil to Pay.or The Wives Metamorphosed.
Sir John Loverule (with the Early-Horn) by Mr. Woolls, 
Jobson by Mr. Henry,  Butler by Mr. Morris,  Doctor by Mr.
Byerley,  Coachman by Mr. Johnson,  Cook by Mr. Parker, 
Footman by Mr. Wall,  Lady Loverule by Mrs. Harman,  Lucy by
Miss Richardson,  Leticia by Mrs. Wall,  Nell by Miss
Tickets, without which no person can be admitted, are sold
at the bar of the Coffee-House. Boxes, 7s.6d. Pit, 5s.
Gallery, 3s.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1773.01.11 
Publisher Dunlap, John 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0040045
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