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8 Nov 1773:21, 22, 23 (3/107)
[Discussion of the evils of the love of pleasure]
[Idleness] brings on low pulses, weak nerves, startings,
swimmings, wishes, stretchings, cards, dice, scheming of all
kinds, rompings, routs, balls, masquerades, violent
passions, and all the other symptoms which distinguish the
great world.
. . . [example of a wasteful, rich man]
He has been purchasing girls, hiring barbers, paying french
cooks, bribing voters, maintaining valets, and lacqueys, and
waiting men, and waiting women, and blacks, and dogs, and
eunuchs; he has given balls and assemblies, and masquerades,
and seen plays, and routs, and horse races, and bear
batings, and cock fights---* * * * * Good Heaven! This is a
subject worthy of the indignation of eloquence.
. . . [2 paragraphs]