Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1774.10.10

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Index Entry Clock, musical, for sale by Ellicott, Joseph, plays 24 tunes 
Location Philadelphia 
10 Oct 1774:33 (3/155)
To be sold by Public Vendue, on the twenty-sixth day of this
A valuable plantation situate in the township of Buckingham,
Bucks County, . . . 
There will be offered to sale a gold repeating watch, and
silver ditto, with a number of other watches; also several
eight-day, moon, arched and square-faced clocks, made by the
subscriber, one of which is an eight-day musical clock, with
four faces, plays twenty four different tunes;
[Clock also shows the motion of the moon, eclipses]
[signed] Joseph Ellicott.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1774.10.10 
Publisher Dunlap, John 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0040136
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