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16 Jan 1779:12
The subscriber continues to teach the polite art of Dancing,
at his Long Room in Carter's Alley; and for the most
convenient and expeditious method of teaching the pupils,
has opened the School in four classes, viz. For Young
Misses, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from eleven till
one, forenoon: For Grown Ladies, the afternoons of the same
days: For Grown Gentlemen, from six till nine the same
evenings: And for Boys, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
from three till five, afternoon.
Those who are pleased to encourage him with the tuition of
their children may depend on having them taught in the most
approved method, with necessary instructions for their
address and decorum, by the public's most obedient servant,
[signed] William M'Dougall.
N.B. Ladies and gentlemen may be taught private in the
intermissions of the public school.