Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1781.11.06

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Index Entry Drummers' uniforms, in Yorktown, spoils of war, taken from British 
Location Yorktown 
6 Nov 1781:32, 33 (10/803)
Notice is hereby given, that a court of Admiralty will be
held, before the Honourable Francis Hopkinson, Esquire,
Judge of the said Court, for the [trial of ??]
Quartermaster, October 26, 1781, who was in a cartel vessel
in York river, and whose effects, in consequence of his
violation of the right of flags, were adjudged to be
forfeited, and were consequently seized for public use.
[List of uniforms seized]
77 uniforms for non-commissioned officers.
17 ditto, drummers.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1781.11.06 
Publisher Claypoole, David C. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0040763
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