Citation |
19 Jun 1783:11,12 (12/1056)
From the Gazeta de la Havanna. The Havanna Gazette of the
10th of May mentions, that Prince William paid a visit to
the island of Cuba, where he was received and entertained in
a manner suitable to his dignity.
. . . We know very well, that if we were to give every
particular of the conduct of the Prince, and of the
principal officers, during the short period of two days, to
describe with minute exactness every barge and galley, tell
the number of cannon that were fired, the dimensions and
ornaments of the houses, the number of candles that were
lighted, the colours of the dresses of the ladies, who began
and who closed the ball, the number of individuals who were
there, their ages and their sexes, what partner such a one
or such another danced with; in a word, if we were to relate
every particular motion of every one, their words and their
looks, no doubt our account would be more agreeable to the
vulgar, but we content ourselves with relating what is
essential, &c. &c.