Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1783.09.11

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Index Entry Brown, Mr, announces concert in Philadelphia, plays concerto on German flute 
Location Philadelphia 
11 Sep 1783:33 (12/1092)
For the Entertainment of the Public.  On Tuesday evening
next will be performed, at the City-Tavern, under the
direction of the celebrated Mr. Brown, lately arrived from
Europe, agreeable to the conditions in his subscription
paper, which has met with so favourable a reception in this
A Grand Concert:
To consist of
A Solo on the German Flute,
A Solo Concerto on ditto, By Mr. Brown.
A Harpsichord Lesson, by Mr. Kurtz.
A Solo on the Violin,
A Solo Concerto on ditto, By Mr. Phile.
Exclusive of Overtures, Quartettis, &c. composed by the most
eminent masters, so as to render the evening perfectly
agreeable; of which Mr. Brown has little doubt, having the
expectation of being assisted by at least eighteen
performers.-- The Concert to begin at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Brown begs leave to inform the Public, that the
Subscription Paper is still left at the City-Tavern, where
gentlemen will have an opportunity of subscribing to both
Mr. Brown's Concerts, at the price therein expressed, viz.
half a Guinea to each person for the two Concerts.--
Subscribers to be furnished with tickets signed in red,
which will answer for both Concerts.
The tickets for admittance to non-subscribers will be signed
in black; the price to be One Dollar and a Half to each.
Mr. Brown proposes, that his second Concert shall be at the
same place, on Tuesday evening the 23d instant.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1783.09.11 
Publisher Claypoole, David C. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0041055
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