Citation - Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia: 1783.09.23

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Index Entry Band of music, in Philadelphia, furnished by Roth, Mr, on demand 
Location Philadelphia 
23 Sep 1783:32 (12/1097)
Mr. Roth, Master of Music, In Sixth-Street, between Arch and
Race Streets, near Cherry Alley.
Acquaints his friends in particular and the public in
general, that he has lately returned from the southward, to
teach the ladies the Harpsichord, Guitar, and gentlemen the
Harp, Flute, Houtboy, Clarinet, French Horn and Basoon, &c.
and to attend ladies at their own houses, or any place most
convenient; can also furnish a whole band of music and the
ways to play on all sorts of musical instruments that is
mentioned before, in a minute's warning; and likewise to be
sold, Violins and Flutes with three middle pieces, and
French Horns and Basoons.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Packet-Philadelphia 
Date 1783.09.23 
Publisher Claypoole, David C. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0041060
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