Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1779.02.02

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Index Entry Actors, amateur, in New York, performance by officers of British Army/Navy 
Location New York 
2 Feb 1779:33 (145)
Theatre Royal.
On Saturday next the 6th instant, will be presented a comedy
The Minor.
To which will be added, a farce, called
The King and the Miller of Mansfield.
The characters by the gentlemen of the Navy and Army.
Places for the boxes to be taken at the Theatre every day
from eleven till two.
No Person can, on any account, be admitted behind the
scenes, or any money taken at the door.
Ladies and gentlemen are desired to send servants to keep
their places at half past four, to prevent any mistakes.
The Tragedy of The Orphan of China, by Murphy, is much
* * * Boxes and Pit at 8s. Gallery, 4s.
* * * Tickets to be had at Messrs. Rivington's, Gaine's, and
Robertson's, Printers; at Loosely and Elms's, at the Coffee
House, and at Mr. Petit's, next door to the Theatre.
All  persons that have any demands against the Theatre since
its opening this year, are desired to send them in to No.
233, in Broad-Street, within three days, otherwise they will
not be paid.
Some abuses having arose from the former mode of issuing
tickets, a fresh set will in future be struct off for every
play, and no other tickets will gain admittance to any part
of the Theatre.

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1779.02.02 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0043549
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