Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1779.06.22

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Index Entry Drummers, in St Lucia, British casualties 
Location St Lucia 
22 Jun 1779:21,22 (185)
From the London Gazette Extraordinary.  Whitehall, March 24,
1779. . . [Report of battles in St. Lucia]
Return of the killed, wounded and missing of the British
reserve, under the command of Brigadier-General Meadows, in
the action of the 18th of December 1778. . . 
Grenadiers. . . 2 Serjeants, 2 drummers, 72 Rank and File
Total. . . 5 Serjeants, 2 Drummers, 136 Rank and File
wounded. . . [signed] James Grant, Commander in Chief.

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1779.06.22 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0043589
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