Citation |
10 Aug 1779:31 (199)
Extracts from Rebel Papers.
Philadelphia, July 29, 1779. Yesterday, pursuant to
adjournment, the citizens of Philadelphia met in the State-
House yard, in order to determine upon the mode of choosing
a new Committee, to carry into execution sundry resolutions
entered into the day before, as also to consider other
matters to be laid before them. During the proceedings,
General Cadwallader, who had early, and who has uniformly
distinguished himself in the service and defence of his
country, offered several times to address his fellow
citizens, but was as often interrupted by a body of about
100 men, armed with clubs, who had marched in array, under
their officers, with fife and drum, and placed themselves
near the stage. . . [interruptions continued; crowd moved to
the College yard, where several motions were passed,
condemning the interrupters, for violations of freedom of