Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1779.12.02

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Index Entry Cato, runaway Mulatto, plays drum 
Location New York 
2 Dec 1779:33 (232)
Ran off from his master this morning, a mulatto servant,
named Cato, about 16 years of age, a stout, thick, chubby
boy, . . . playful and much given to take off different
instruments of music with his voice, drumming, &c. saucy and
pert; has lived in a gentleman's family, and understands
waiting on table very well. . . [17 lines on clothes worn]
[N.B. Owner's name not given]

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1779.12.02 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0043636
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