Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1780.03.14

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Index Entry Opera, in Paris, Montague involved in provoking incident 
Location Paris 
14 Mar 1780:23 (261)
From the Universal Magazine.  A Remarkable Anecdote relating
to the first Duke of Devonshire, when he was Lord Cavendish.
This year (1669) my Lord accompanied Mr. Montagu (afterwards
Duke of Montagu) in his embassy to France, where an affair
happened, which might have had consequences; but our young
lord behaved in so noble a manner, that every circumstance
of it sets his personal character in the most amiable light. 
He had received an affront at the opera, in Paris, by some
officers of the guard, who, as it is said, were in liquor,
and one of them having particularly insulted him, his
lordship, in return, struck him on the face; . . . [20 lines
on continued arguments and fights]

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1780.03.14 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0043663
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