Citation |
21 Sep 1780:23 (207)
Copy of General Gates's Orders. After Orders. Camp at
Rugeley's, 15th August, 1780.
The sick, the extra artillery stores, the heavy baggage, and
such quarter-master's stores as are not immediately wanted,
to march this evening under a guard to Waxhaws; to this
order the General requests the Brigadier Generals to see
that those under their command pay the most exact and
scrupulous obedience. . . [3 paragraphs] When the ground
will admit of it, and the near approach of the enemy renders
it necessary, the army will, when ordered, march in columns,
the artillery at the head of their respective brigades, and
the baggage in the rear. The guard of the heavy baggage
will be composed of the remaining officers and soldiers of
the artillery. One Captain, two Subalterns, four Serjeants,
four Drums and sixty Rank and File, and no person whatever
is to presume to send any other soldier upon that service. .