Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1781.07.19

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Index Entry Drums, in West Florida, beat in British capitulation to Spanish 
Location West Florida 
19 Jul 1781:21 (7/392)
The following is said to be a copy of the Articles of
Capitulation between his Excellency Don Bernardo de Galvez,
Knight, Pensioner of the Royal and distinguished Order of
Charles the Third, Major-General of the Armies of his
Catholic Majesty, Inspector, Intendant, and Governor-General
of the Province of Louisiana, and General of the Expedition,
etc. etc. etc. 
His Excellency Peter Chester, Esq; Captain-General, Governor
and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of
West-Florida, Chancellor and Vice-Admiral of the same, etc.
etc.  And,
His Excellency Major-General John Campbell, Commander of his
Majesty's Forces in the said Province of West-Florida. 
Article I.  All the forts and posts now in possession of the
troops of his Britannic Majesty, shall (upon a time agreed
upon) be delivered up to the troops of his Catholic Majesty. 
The British garrison, including soldiers and seamen, to
march out with all the honours of war, arms shouldered,
drums beating, colours flying, two field pieces with six
rounds of ammunition, . . . [14 lines, followed by the
British agreement to this article. 27 articles of
capitulation follow.]

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1781.07.19 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043762
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