Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1782.01.24

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Index Entry Lyric, sentimental [beg] Ye virgins! fond to be admir'd 
Location New York 
24 Jan 1782:32 (8/440)
Ye Virgins! fond to be admir'd,
With mighty rage of conquest fir'd,
And universal sway;
Who heave th' unconquer'd bosom high,
And roll a fond inviting eye,
On all the circle gay!
. . . [15 verses]
The midnight minstrel of the grove,
Who still renews the hymn of love, 
And woos the wood to hear;
Knows not the sweetness of his strain,
Nor that, above the tuneful train,
He charms the lover's ear.
. . . [4 more lines]

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1782.01.24 
Publisher Robertsons, Mills and Hicks 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0043770
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