Citation - Royal American Gazette: 1783.01.02

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Index Entry Batchelor's Soliloquy, A [t] [beg] To wed or not to wed? That is the 
Location London 
2 Jan 1783:33 (9/544)
From the St. James's Chronicle.
A BATCHELOR'S SOLILOQUY. In Imitation of a Speech in HAMLET
  To wed or not to wed?--that is the question,
  Whether 'tis happier in the mind to stifle
  The heats and tumults of outrageous passion,
  With some prudent [   ] in solemn contract
. . . [27 lines]
THE MAID'S SOLILOQUY. A counterpart to the above.
  To wed, or not to wed?---That is the question.
  Whether 'tis happier for a maid to live
  The footless vestal's life, and be a nun---
  Or with a lover go to church, and join 
  Her hand to his, and promise constant love.
. . . [27 more lines, signed]  Z.

Generic Title Royal American Gazette 
Date 1783.01.02 
Publisher Robertsons, Mills and Hicks 
City, State New York, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0043785
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