Citation - Royal Gazette-Charleston: 1781.10.20

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Index Entry Bassoons, for sale by Wells's Stationary, Music & Book Shop 
Location Charleston 
17-20 Oct 1781:31 (1/67)
Just Imported, . . . from London, and now opening for sale,
at Wells's Stationary, Music & Book Shop, No. 71 Tradd-
. . . [List of writing materials]
Guitars of various kinds and prices, Violins ditto, Fifes,
German and common Flutes, Clarinets, Bassoons, Concert
Horns, Hautboys, Sicc dos[?].
Best Roman Violins and Violincello Strings, Bassoon Reeds,
Hautboy Reeds, Clarinet Reeds, Guitar Strings, Piano Forte
Strings, Harpsichord Wire, Violin Bridges, Violin Pegs,
Shanks for Horns, Harpsichord Hammers, Music Desks, Raven
and Crow Quills, Guitar Stops, Rosin Boxes, Violin Bows and
Hair for ditto.
Tutors for the Violin, Guitar, German Flute, Harpsichord,
Bassoon, Clarinet, Fife, &c. &c.
A great variety of Music, a catalogue of which may be seen
at the shop. . . [Other scientific instruments]

Generic Title Royal Gazette-Charleston 
Date 1781.10.20 
Publisher Wells, R 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043873
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