Citation - Royal Gazette-Charleston: 1782.06.01

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Index Entry Band of music, in Charleston, at London Coffee House on King's birthday 
Location Charleston 
29 May-1 Jun 1782:42 (2/131)
Mrs. Treville presents her most respectful compliments to
the gentlemen of this garrison, and begs leave to inform
them, that she intends opening the London Coffee-House, on
the first Monday in June, in the house . . . formerly known
by the name of Holliday's Tavern.
. . . [6 lines]
[signed] A. Treville.
N.B. Mrs. Treville will be much obliged to those gentlemen
who intend doing her the honour of dining at the London
Coffee-House on the fourth of June, being the King's birth-
day, to call and leave their names at the bar, as she is
determined not to spare any pains or expences in celebrating
the day.
* * * A band of musick will attend.

Generic Title Royal Gazette-Charleston 
Date 1782.06.01 
Publisher Wells, R 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0043939
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