Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1773.06.10

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Index Entry Actor, Cheer, Miss, to play Araminta in Man of the Town [t] 
Location New York 
10 Jun 1773:34 (8)
Theatre,  By permission of his Excellency the Governor,
By The American Company,
At the Theatre in John-Street, on Friday the 11th instant, 
A Comedy, call'd the 
Man of the Town, or the School for Lovers,
Modely, by Mr. Hallam. Araminta, by Miss Cheer. Dancing by
Mr. Francis.
To which will be added,
Lethe, or Aesop in the Shades.
Frenchman and drunken man, by Mr. Hallam. Mrs. Tattoo, by
Miss Hallam.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1773.06.10 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0042657
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